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The Role of the Content Produser - Blog 11

The Major Project of this module is to provoke an active and responsible attitude towards a more defined and engaging personality. Unfortunately, I do not consider myself as a produser, yeat because I could not generate much content apart of the accompanying blogs. I found that even though some of the blogs were much interesting by a topic, I still needed time to reflect so that I can write suitably. Nevertheless, through the information given, I can identify the events that lead to a genuine produser; A produser interacts and creates within the incubation platform that presents endless inputs from other produsers. This collaborative model is a good start through which everyone can engage in essential topics and contribute to the more significant part. I also appreciate the incredible critical questions in sustainability and collaboration that came time and time again throughout the module. I believe these discussions are close to everyone, and the sooner we learn to deviate from passive behaviour, the better in both personal and broader perspective. What I also appreciate is the habit of writing regularly, it pushes you away from the distraction of; how and why, and helps you overcoming the somewhat tricky first step of the start. As a big supporter of sustainability, I am eager to see faster implementation of law and technology as well as their speedful absorption by everyone within the public. Public speaking has also been a challenge to me, and I was surprised when it became evident in the virtual classroom as well. That was another way of practicing the level of my representational skills. I also appreciate the chance to share ideas and answer the questions introduced by Acuppa, which made us feel more as a part of a more unified system. In contrast, it was quite strange that I never talked with most of the class members, and I wonder if the situation can be approached differently for the future.

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