Whether family, friends, or colleagues, we are all members of different groups, no meter the size each group forms its unique system of unwritten or written regulations.
First steps
Far breaking from the classic hierarchical set-up of the workplace environment, it is very likely, nowadays, all members of the team or the organisation to seat side by side, confronting emerging problems simultaneously. What is more, it is very usual, especially for large organisations, teams to compete against each other in demand for better results. However widely used, this method, in my opinion, distracts the end //, which is resolving the problem, with a more egocentric approach relating to "I AM BETTER THAN YOU" kinda deal. Similarly, understanding group dynamics and the roles within any group project is essential if corporations want to succeed in improving the sociological environment of their workplaces.
Moreover, new employees and college graduates must arrive at the workplace with some experience in group work. It is worth mentioning that team fail if members lose interest, are not skilled enough, or and if there is a lack of communication.
By Tom Wujecs' TED Talk, design thoroughly is a contact sport a successful group posses a shared experience, everyday language, good speed of prototyping, iteration and the ability to facilitate the best of the members thinking, feeling, and doing in the designated process.
Another way of breaking down a project is by
identifying the project goals
Identify individual tasks and distribute them to designated members.
Simplify the remote workflow by choosing as less online productivity tools as possible
Get closure with the team "It is not all about work!"
Tips for successful teams provided by Sitearm-Madonna:
Commitment and competence.
Form - get to know your team and exchange contacts.
Storm - identifying problems and generating ideas.
Norm - establishing a common goal and plan.
Perform - smooth, competent and autonomous work and results.
Briefing - Debriefing. Ask yourself what would you change and or, make differently next time.
These are the shared roles within effective teams.
Coordinator, Shaper, Planter, Investigator, Specialist, Implementer, Worker, Evaluator, Finisher.
It is essential to remember that the group environment is one where all participants.
Persona theory imposes the case that individually and awareness adopts to the boundaries of a specific environment.
Thoughts on Group Formations - Blog 3
Updated: May 13, 2020